Friday, December 24, 2010


October 16, 1955, I changed the world. My mother releases me from a secure and safe womb of nurture; nine months where the hands that shaped the first man and woman from the black dust of earth, now intricately formed with Divine detail, a delicate bundle of His image. He breathes His breath into the blessed human incubator and ignites the heart to pump. Riding on this "God-wind" entering the fetus is the assignment for a life's mission that is intended to reflect His character. God seeing Himself in the new creation, accompanies the doctors hands as they guide the anointed babe for arrival into the arms of the awaiting small company. The place chosen for this presentation is Memphis Tennessee. A leader is born. What a climate!

The segregated south is struggling over its definition and practice of equal rights. The rumblings of a civil volcanic explosion are minutes apart. The world is summoned to be a witness to its most powerful nation ever, being exposed of an infrastructure that favors white supremacy at its worst, and passively accepts the reality of a second class citizenship, labeled and marked by the Creator's paint job, at its best. Up to this point the emancipation had only been proclaimed, getting blacks off obvious plantations, but failing to release many, black and white, from the plantation of hatred and fear. Staying and accepting your place seemed the best strategy to just make it to the next day. But the Volcano cannot hold the pressure of ignorance and injustice any longer. It erupts; sending the lava of civil rights justice down from it's angry top to cities and communities needing a foretaste of hell fire cleansing. The smoke of racially induced mental war ascends for all the world to see. This ain't no joke. People are choosing to die over this ultimate fight for freedom, teaching that proximity doesn't guarantee respect, one's view of himself as a child of God does. All men are created equal. All men don't buy that. Some men must die to prove it. There are remarkable accomplishments in the year 1955, as other parts of the country seem to just go on.

In January of that year, Marian Anderson is the first African American Singer to perform at the metropolitan opera in New York City. The same month provides the debut of the board game scrabble. February 1, Ray Kroc opens a McDonald's fast food restaurant-- the company's ninth since it was founded in 1940. He later takes it over and oversees its worldwide expansion. In April, Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and there is an Asian-African conference set. July proudly marks the opening of Disneyland Theme Park in Anaheim, California. And the news heard around the world on October 4, the Brooklyn Dodgers finally win the world series defeating the hated New York Yankees 2-0 in game 7. Meanwhile, back at the disturbing farm-- the south-- March 2, a fifteen year old girl, Claudette Colvin, refuses to give up her seat on a Montgomery Alabama bus to a white man after the driver demands it. She is carried off the bus backwards while being kicked, handcuffed and harassed on the way to the police station. A powerful announcement to teens today that you too can look at culture and the way things are in the face and refuse to give up your seat of dignity. In December, the more famous refusal, Rosa Parks, is arrested for not giving up her seat to a white person, and the national civil rights movement begins. Four days later the American Improvement Association is formed in Montgomery Alabama, by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and other black ministers to coordinate a black people's boycott of all city buses.

Other people the reader may know who joined me in this world to make an impact of change, not necessarily needing my counsel, although I make myself available to provide guidance should they need direction; after all, the world is not balanced if they leave me on the sidelines. Bruce Willis; Edwin Moses; Bill Gates; Maria Shriver; and Whoopie Goldberg to name a few will also turn 55 this year. The year we were born, the average wage in a year was $3,851 and the minimum wage was$1.00 an hour. The average cost of a new home? $10,950.00. The average monthly rent was $87.00. If you wanted to buy a new car in 1955 the average chariot took you for $1,900.00 and it was 23cents a gallon to fill it up! You see, Bill and I got together and jumped started this economy! One of the only things that seems to have remained the same is the black and white TV set that was and has returned to $99.95.

In my 55th year on earth I have become more reflective. I have much to be thankful for. My parents Sam and Claudine Paschal, who in June of this year turned 90 and 80 respectively. They still are an inspiration to me, and are responsible for all the good qualities people see in me. Unfortunately, this rebel and revolutionary son of theirs has caused many a moment of embarrassment along this 55 year journey. I love them. I can still go home to Compton California, and just be Anthony. The place is still peaceful and allows me to center and refocus. I'm thankful for Sylvia, now my ex - wife, but the years and days that were enjoyable like; hiking and biking and plays and dinners; Camping and laughing, movie watching, softball playing; provide pleasant and appreciative memories to the good days of our relationship. I'm thankful and applaud her for the excellent sacrifice and love she gave in raising the three most precious gifts God gave to this Compton rebel. Thanks Syl. My, (I guess) ex Father and Mother and brother in law Kennedy, I'm speechless because not once was there a horror moment of in-law tragedy or war. You should be bottled up and sold to the many basket cases of family feuds around the globe, to help bring civility to family..... My children: Anthony Jr.; Jennifer; Timothy. These humans God shaped to fix me as a Dad, counselor, a pretender of being a math teacher; a fellow student of late night... early morning... science projects... The laughter and sheer joy of watching you from fetus to adults. My heart skips and beats faster at your many accomplishments and the thought of you every day of my life. I love y'all to the max! Teiko and Kecia, God gave me the best daughter in laws!! watching you light up the eyes of my sons is a thrill in itself. Thank you for your love to them. Thanks Noel for doing a fantastic job with Isaiah. You've always treated me with respect. Isaiah; Kaori; and Zion. My three grandsons. You have caused my life to start over. I'm in another zone when I'm with you. Watching and hearing you laugh, I feel a sense of re-creation,  your presence is priceless.

It would appear my run in the employ of the Seventh Day Adventist Church is over. But oh what a run! God gave me a front row seat to power and glory and tons of miracles. There were moving anointings, seminars, crusades,baptisms,board meetings and business meetings. God did more to me through it all. I'm humble to think He allowed me this privilege to serve Him in this capacity. Thank you church of the living God.

Friends and best friend forever. You can't trade the connection. Though the storms kept raging to destroy me, You never left. You are irreplaceable. Thank you friends.

In my 55th year, some close to me may wonder how much darker can it get. Divorce, a resignation from my job, and a child serving time in prison. Now I'm unemployed, and the bills keep rolling in. Many have asked, "How are you making it?" There are days of pain, uncertainty, fear for sure. But God is doing something you can't see. While the sun has set on a certain part of my journey, and as some of you are going through moments where you can't see how you can go on, God awaits for you to come to Him. He waited for me. Like Nicodemus, you can go to God at night. No matter how dark it gets, God is still there waiting. John 3 reports that this Sanhedrin intellectual, found our Master still available while other counselors clocked out and are now unavailable. His family is sleep. His spouse is tired. His children are running with their friends. The dog and the cat aren't willing. Friends have retired. He cannot see an available ear to hear him out. He wants to know is he still useful; valuable. Something is not quite fulfilling. Look everyone, when you get to this point in your life, Jesus is still awake. While I recognize this post may be getting long, it gets better; we find that John let's us in on a portion of the dialog:

"How can anyone," said Nicodemus, "be born who has already been born and grown up? You can't re-enter your mother's womb and be born again. What are you saying with this 'born-from-above-talk?'" Jesus said, "You're not listening, let me say it again, Unless a person submits to this original creation-- the 'wind hovering over the water', creation, the invisible moving the visible, a baptism into a new life-- it's not possible to enter God's kingdom.
When you look at a baby, it's just that: A body you can look at and touch. But the person who takes shape within is formed by something you can't see and touch-- The Spirit -- and becomes a living spirit.
so don't be so surprised when I tell you that you have to be 'born from above' -- out of this world, so to speak. You know well enough how the wind blows this way and that. You hear it rustling through the trees, but you have no idea where it comes from or where it's headed next.
that's the way it is with everyone 'born from above' by the wind of God, The Spirit of God." John 3:4-8

As with me my friends, when God wants to do a new thing in you and take you to a level where you've never been before, He offers three things: A new start; new growth; and new direction.

Born again is simply a new start. Stop now and submit to the original creation. Life may be confusing, and in a chaotic state for you. You may be contemplating suicide or even homicide. While in this night time of your life, delete your agenda, delete your plans and your direction. Delete even your suicidal thoughts. God is saying that the Spirit is hovering over your mess. Like the beginning. The earth is formless, void. That's when God works best. He shapes when we return to a formlessness. His Spirit hovers over me and you. We just have to submit and say SHAPE ME. This is the new birth. Now He's ready for new growth.

Jesus describes that when a baby is born, we only see the body. We look up one day, and the body has stretched! Teeth appear. Hair grows. The baby doesn't stay the same as he was at birth. He [Jesus] says it's another person inside forming and shaping something you can't see or touch. We take care of the teeth, but we didn't make them grow. We buy new clothes for a more stretched out body, but we didn't have anything to do with the stretching. Another person inside is responsible. When we allow God to re create us from our chaos, He then places His Spirit in us and we grow. He shapes us. This is why people notice change but can't put a finger or date or time on when it happened. There is no YouTube demonstrating how the growth took place. We can't instant replay it. There's no replay booth to slow it down and look at it from several angles to show an awaiting church or family where it took place. It is because the camera can't get inside of the changing you!! Even babies can't explain how they got teeth, or how they need a new pair of shoes. When a situation occurs where we once cursed up a storm and we now don't, we can't explain it. All we can say is we remember a day when we would have let it fly!! The Spirit is shaping us on the inside. Even our direction is different.

The invisible is moving the visible. We hear the wind only because it hits something to let us know it's doing something. We know its direction only when we see the leaning of the tree. We can't see the wind, nor where it came from or where it's going until we see the tree or the flow of our hair. The blowing of our loose clothes gives us an indication of the direction of the wind. "God-wind" is His leading in a direction He chooses. We simply ride and glide with God. When God is moving us in a new direction we are to let stubbornness go and ride the wind. It may be a new set of friends; a new ministry; a new church. He may lead you to write a book or a song. He places an idea in your head; you wind up in some mission field. You do something your family thinks is crazy and doesn't make sense, all you know is you can't stop going in this direction! It's not even the way you use to think or do. Maybe it's something you said you would never do, but it's new direction time.

I'm 55 years old now. By most standards, I'm suppose to be setting my sights on retiring. I'm suppose to put it in cruise control. But I've come to Jesus at night. I've experienced a new birth. Watch out something you can't see or touch is happening. THE WIND IS BLOWING.


  1. God's Spirit truly hovers over the formless void of our mess and starts shaping and forming the chaos into something that we never thought was possible to create. It is when we meet up w Jesus in the "night" of our lives that He begins to do His greatest work, though we might not see it quite yet, but I'm a living testimony to that God will take you through to the otherside if you'll just hold on and trust even if you can't see!! Praise Him for the best friend forever he brings in our lives to be with us through the journey. The connection is built to last!!! Thank you for sharing from deep within and letting Him use you. THE WIND IS BLOWING INDEED!!!

  2. God indeed works at His best when we are at our worst. Continue to let the Lord use you. I am praying for you. God is going to give you a financial blessing.
